Communications Professionals Group
This affinity group of communications professionals will provide a network for learning and collaboration around communications-related functions within and for our member departments. The co-leaders of the group are Christina Crowe, Director of Communications at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, and Kamran Mirza, Professor of Pathology & Assistant Chair of Education and Director of Division of Education Programs at the University of Michigan. In addition to creating a network for communications professionals to learn from each other, Ms. Crowe and Dr. Mirza envision developing educational opportunities that are open to all AAPath members who are interested in learning about, sharing resources for, and championing communications and outreach best practices specific to pathology and laboratory medicine. Regular updates on the group's activities will be provided in the e-News.
Appointment Process
- Appointment of these members does not have any associated cost or impact on departmental dues.
- To appoint relevant staff to this affinity group, please email [email protected].
- New members will be added to the group roster and included on the group's listserv.
Members of this group can communicate with each other through their listserv. Simply send your message to: [email protected]
Please note that only approved members can send and receive messages through this listserv. If you have any issues or difficulties with this resource, please contact the AAPath office at [email protected].
Virtual meetings will be held periodically and announced to the group through the listserv. Additional meeting information and materials will be posted here as they become available.
Thank you to Christina Crowe (UAB) and Dr. Kamran Mirza (Univ of Michigan) who are the co-facilitators for this AAPath affinity group. The affinity group had their initial virtual meeting on May 2, 2024.