Member Email Lists

Member email lists ("e-lists," also known as "listservs") facilitate communication between members of AAPath, Committees, and Affinity Groups. The lists are open only to specific members of each group and are closed to non-members. Below are the email addresses of the AAPath e-lists. You will only be able to send messages to, and receive messages from, the lists in which you are a member. To manage your e-list subscriptions and message delivery, please log in to your member profile.

All requests to join an e-list must be sent to the AAPath Executive Office at [email protected]. Any emails from unknown senders to e-list addresses are automatically deleted by our system and are unable to be read. Please review the information below before engaging with this member exclusive resource.

GroupE-List Address
Chair Section Members (Chairs, Vice Chairs, Senior Fellows) [email protected]
AAPath Council
Advocacy Committee
Fellowship Directors Committee
Graduate Medical Education Committee
Leadership Development & Diversity Committee
Practice & Management Committee
Research Committee
Undergraduate Medical Education Committee
Academic Pathology Editorial Board
PRODS Members
PRODS Council
APEX Members
APEX Council
UMEDS Members
UMEDS Council
GMEAS Members
GMEAS Council
Senior Fellows Group (SFG) Members


AAPath Email List Policies

The primary purpose of the listservs is to encourage networking and support for professional issues within each membership community. Currently, all listservs are not moderated in an effort to promote transparency and openness for professional, collegial, and timely discussions. If listserv etiquette is not followed, it may become necessary to moderate listservs, which then involves staff in reviewing all email messages, before they are released to the listserv.

When you are replying to a listserv message, you are replying to ALL members on the particular listserv. Please remember that if you prefer to write a direct message or congratulatory note to an individual member, you should use the “forward” function, then enter your target recipient’s email address. Always include your email address in the content of your email message or signature line, so you can receive direct messages that are not necessary nor informative for the whole listserv membership. Be aware that, on occasion, email traffic becomes overwhelming to some listserv subscribers, who then request to be unsubscribed. Those who unsubscribe lose the opportunity to learn and stay engaged in these valuable professional networks. This underscores the importance of maintaining good listserv etiquette.


  • How do I know if the email I got is from the listserv? When an email appears in your inbox with the prefix “{SECTIONE-List}”, and the sender’s email address is listed as [email protected], this indicates the message is being distributed through one of AAPath's listservs. The “to” line will only list your name. Be careful– replying to the message will distribute your reply to ALL members of the listserv!
  • Best Practices: The most important thing you can do to help your fellow members is to add your email address to your email signature – always. This enables other members to email you directly with a response, rather than having to reply to the whole listserv to get in touch.
  • How do I reply to a listserv message? If you click Reply on ANY listserv message, you will be replying to the listserv address, and everyone else in the Section will receive the reply. If you intend to reply ONLY to the sender, you need to use the “forward” function and add the direct email address of the sender. DO NOT use the REPLY button.
  • Mistaking listserv email for private email addresses: When you search your email inbox for a colleague’s email address, please be aware an email you received from an AAPath listserv may look like it came directly from your colleague. Please be sure to double-check the email address by opening the message and looking at the “from” line. Make sure the “from” address is the individual’s (e.g. [email protected]) and not the listserv’s address ([email protected] or [email protected])

As a member of a Section, the email address that is affiliated with your member account is the email address from which you should write your message to post onto the listserv. Email addresses that are slightly different or those that have alternate domains are automatically rejected by the listserv engineering. If you need to update your email address, please contact the AAPath Office at [email protected]. If you have forgotten your password, on the log in screen, click “Reset Password” and follow the instructions.

You are able to view past messages and threads by logging into your AAPath account. To log in, go to and under the Home menu, click "View My Profile" and enter your log in information when prompted. Find the “Message History” drop-down menu link to see archive messages. After logging in, you can also search for other members in the online membership directory.


  • FILE SIZE: There is a file size limit of 5 MB. A message with an attachment or combination of attachments that is greater than 5 MB in size will be rejected from the listserv.
  • CC ADDRESSES: If an email address is cc’d, along with the listserv address in the “to” line, the cc’d email address will NOT show up on the listserv message, but the message will be delivered to the cc’d address.
  • UNEXPECTED FELLOWSHIP OPENINGS: PRODS Council has established a policy of limiting fellowship opening announcements to positions that are 18 months or less out from matriculation. For example, positions matriculating in July 2020 could be announced in January 2019, but not sooner. Unexpected openings (vacated positions) would generally fall well within the 18-month cut-off, so they would not be affected.
  • JOB POSTINGS: Individuals in any Section may post a job announcement directly. However, the job must be directly related to the member’s home institution or program. Keep in mind to include the email address to which respondents should directly reply. Remember: For these and other job announcements, AAPath has a paid Job Board online, which has broad national visibility – see htps://
  • SURVEYS/POLLS: Surveys or polls from members working groups or other organizations outside the AAPath membership, must first be discussed and approved by the Section Council(s) to whose members the survey will be directed. Surveys are evaluated based on relevancy to the member constituents, quality of the survey questions, and willingness of the survey authors to provide Councils with access to data collected and prior review of any publications resulting from the survey data. References to AAPath members as participants in surveys will only be permitted with expressed prior permission of the AAPath Executive Office. Survey/poll approval inquiries may be directed either to the AAPath Office at [email protected] directly to the relevant Section Council Chair(s).
    • (From AAPath Bylaws) Every effort will be made to maintain member communications, via listservs or other print or electronic means that are free of commercial bias. Only communications that are educational in nature or that enable members to make informed product decisions will be accepted for distribution using the Association’s membership communication mechanisms. In general, the Executive Director will have the authority to determine the acceptability of material for distribution to members.
    • Registrants to the Annual Meeting agree to the use of their email address to receive AAPath information and advertising messages from annual meeting sponsors, approved by the AAPath Council or Executive Office. Any non-AAPath advertising transmitted by the AAPath does not constitute endorsement by the AAPath of any products or services.

AAPath Code of Conduct:  Events and e-lists managed or held by the Association for Academic Pathology (AAPath) exist for the professional development of members and for the advancement of academic pathology. Members and guests of events and e-lists are expected to conduct themselves with professionalism, cordiality and respect. At a minimum, AAPath expects members and guests to abide by local and national laws, and AAPath's General Rules for Antitrust Compliance, when attending or interacting at AAPath events and on AAPath e-lists. Read the full text of AAPath's Code of Conduct.