After being initiated at the APC 2023 Annual Meeting by “Meet & Greet” gatherings at the attendees’ request, the APC has developed an affinity group for “Directors of Post-Sophomore / Student Fellowships” for those who hold the role or are interested in learning more about this role.
Appointment Process
Appointment of these members does not have any associated cost or impact on departmental dues.
To appoint faculty who serve as PSF Directors or are seeking to implement a PSF program in pathology at your institution, please email the APC Office at [email protected] to join the roster and be included on the affinity group's listserv.
Members of this group can communicate with each other through their listserv. Simply send your message to: [email protected]
Please note that only approved members can send and receive messages through this listserv. If you have any issues or difficulties with this resource, please contact the APC office at [email protected].
Virtual meetings will be held periodically and announced to the group through the listserv. Additional meeting information and materials will be posted here as they become available.
Thank you to Dr. Jo Conant and Dr. Mark Fung (Univ of Vermont) who are the co-facilitators for this new APC affinity group. The affinity group had their initial virtual meeting on October 12, 2023 and reviewed the aggregate responses from a survey on PSF Programs at APC member departments. The affinity group intends to virtually meet on a quarterly basis throughout the academic year. For additional information, please contact [email protected].
The Society of ’67 was established to support programs aligned with AAPath's mission and vision. Those who wish to support AAPath's mission and vision can donate to the Society of ’67.