In This Issue...
PathElective Announcement, APC 2022 Recap, Equity Matters Project and More!
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Academic Pathology
Academic Pathology is APC's fully open-access, PubMed-indexed, peer-reviewed journal. Academic Pathology has moved from Sage to Elsevier and a new manuscript submission site has officially launched. Submit a manuscript and gain international recognition for your advances in pathology education, administration or practice.
Click here to submit your manuscript today!

Follow @AcadPathol on Twitter
Upgrade Your Donor Level
All donors are recognized at the recently updated levels as a contributor (less than $500), annual member ($500-$9,999), or lifetime member ($10,000 or more). DONATE NOW at any level to cultivate and inspire the pipeline of academic pathology!
Every contribution invests in the future and legacy of academic pathology to advance and improve health care by fostering the development of academic pathology and future leaders in academic practice, education, and research.
Virtual Events
View Past Recordings A reminder that all past recorded APC Virtual Events can be easily found on the APC website. These past recordings include interesting Town Hall discussions, informative Regional Meetings, and much more! The recordings can be viewed on our Past Virtual Events webpage.
Job Postings
Do you have a job opening at your institution? Members can share openings with their section listserv network for free as a member benefit. Job openings can also be posted directly to APC’s Career Center (Job Board), which has broad national visibility.
Post or Search for jobs at:
APC Newsletter - Paths to Progress

The 2021 Edition of the APC Annual Newsletter, Paths to Progress is now available! Reflect on APC’s accomplishments in 2021 through committee reports, Section updates, and other workgroup/task force reports in the latest edition of the annual report – Paths to Progress.
Find the 2021 Edition and previous issues of Paths to Progress on APC's website at:
Listserv Networks
Guidelines: Members are expected to abide by the APC listserv policies. For more information on APC’s listservs, visit the APC website at:
Best Practice: When sending messages to the listserv, please be sure to include a short signature line with at least your name, role, institution, and email address so that other members can reach you directly if needed.
Archives: To view the archive of listserv messages, log in to your member profile and access the E-lists under My Features.
Membership Updates
New Members should complete our short online New Member Inquiry Form found at:
Please inform us of any changes in your departmental membership roster by sending us a message at [email protected].
Member Profile
Members may log in to the APC website to edit their personal profiles and contact information. Once logged in, members can access exclusive APC resources.
Get Involved - Join a Committee!
Active Chair discussion on issues of common interest occurs primarily through APC's committee activities. All Chairs are invited to participate in any of APC's Committees:
NEW Committees
- Clinical Service Leaders
- PhD Program Leaders
If you are a Chair who is interested in joining one of the above committees, please submit your written request to the APC office at [email protected].
Monthly e-News Archive
Find all previous issues of APC's Monthly e-News at:
Important Updates from the APC:

Chicago, IL (Hybrid) | July 17-20, 2022
Congratulations to the volunteers and participants, who made APC’s first-ever hybrid meeting such a robust and successful event! We were so glad to see many colleagues in-person at the Swissôtel Chicago and remotely via Zoom. Attendees gave consistently favorable reviews of returning to an in-person event while also having the option to seamlessly participate remotely. The discussions were supported by traditional presentations with narration recorded by speakers, which were made available in advance of the conference. Tremendous thanks to our speakers, attendees, and exhibitors for supporting APC through this period of change and creating an invaluable educational experience! All Pre-Recorded Presentations are still available to view, and Live Discussion Session will be coming soon to all registrants!
Claim Your CME Credits For meeting registrants who wish to claim CME credit for participating in the APC 2022 Annual Meeting, we are pleased to offer the APC 2022 Online Learning Program, based on the pre-recorded presentations from the APC 2022 Annual Meeting. As a meeting registrant, you are automatically enrolled in the APC 2022 Online Learning Program and can claim your credits today! More detailed instructions can be found on the APC website at:
Pre-Recorded Presentations Available through March 2023 The pre-recorded presentations will remain accessible and CME can be claimed through March 2023 in the NEW APC Learning Center! Click here to access the presentations and other materials. You will be prompted to log in to your APC profile. Alternatively, registrants can access the Learning Center via the APC 2022 Presentations webpage:
Thank you to 83 speakers and panelists, more than 430 registrants, and 18 exhibiting companies for participating in the APC 2022 Annual Meeting! We can't wait to see you next year when we return to the Swissôtel in Chicago, Illinois on July 16-19, 2023 (Sun-Wed)!

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APC is excited to announce its new partnership with PathElective, an innovative, free online educational resource that is the world leader in virtual pathology education. This resource was founded in 2020 by APC UMEDS member, Kamran Mirza, MD, PhD, and Society of ’67 Kinney Scholar (2021) Cullen Lilley, MS, both from the Loyola University Chicago Stritch School of Medicine, with a mission to create a high-quality, organized, and adaptable pathology elective experience. At a critical moment in medical education, PathElective met a vital need and, in just two years since its inception, has reached thousands of students and educators globally.
In establishing the relationship with APC, PathElective’s founders sought a partnership to sustain and develop these valuable resources, while maintaining a commitment to keeping them free of charge. With aligned missions to further the advancement of pathology education, we are pleased to announce that PathElective is now an official publication of APC!
A PathElective account provides subscribers with free, unlimited access to course content and educational resources across the full spectrum of pathology, supporting learning for a variety of interests. PathElective has something for everyone! Plus, each course has built-in pre- and post-lesson quizzes, and after successful completion of each lesson, students are awarded completion certificates to aid in tracking. Learn more by exploring this excellent resource at:
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As part of APC’s capstone project for the ACGME/CMSS Equity Matters initiative, APC Regular Member Department Chairs and Administrators are invited to take part in a research study to create a toolkit for achieving gender rank equity in academic pathology departments. The study includes a gender demographic survey of academic faculty in terms of rank, leadership roles, and faculty track. Only one response per member institution is requested. We are aiming for a high response rate to establish baseline gender demographic data, so we encourage all member institutions to participate! The survey was launched on Monday, July 25th and has a deadline of Monday, August 15th. If the survey information and link were not received by the Chair and Administrator, please contact Drs. Debra Leonard ([email protected]) and Mel Limson ([email protected]).
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Academic Hospital-Based Labs Remain Concerned with the VALID Act As previously reported, the Senate HELP Committee recently released the Food and Drug Administration Safety and Landmark Advancements (FDASLA) Act, which (as feared) included the VALID Act of 2022. VALID creates a new combined regulatory framework at the FDA for both in vitro diagnostic test kits and laboratory developed tests (LDTs). VALID solidifies and makes permanent the FDA’s authority over LDTs. APC regards LDTs as the practice of medicine when performed by academic hospital-based labs that should instead be overseen through CLIA and should remain (as they historically were) differentiated from the FDA’s commercial manufacturing and proprietary testing regulatory pathways.
Importantly, the House version of the legislation did not include language similar to VALID, demonstrating divergent views on the merits of the bill between the chambers of Congress. Relevant House and Senate committee members are meeting now to resolve whether to include FDA regulation of LDTs in the final FDA user fee reauthorization bill that must pass in the coming months. Notably, VALID’s lead co-sponsor, Ranking Member of the HELP Committee, Senator Richard Burr (NC-R), recently withdrew his support of VALID and introduced a “clean” version of the FDA user fee reauthorization bill, explaining to Inside Health Policy, “I’ve spent my career focused on FDA. I’ve never seen an agency I value so deeply in such disarray.”
APC continues to advocate, in partnership with AAMC, AMP, AACC and ACMG, for excluding the VALID Act from the FDA user fee reauthorization bill, due to serious concerns outlined in a joint letter signed by over 100 institutions. Many of these issues were echoed in letters from AAMC and from academic health system executives to Senate and House leadership. In contrast, CAP and ACLA have stepped up their campaigns of support for VALID in its current form, specifically advocating against any exemptions (i.e. for academic clinical labs). We urge you to remain engaged on this issue with your government relations offices, whose delegates participate in weekly meetings led by AAMC’s government affairs staff, where they receive important action updates. For reference in discussions with your government relations offices, AAMC created a helpful one-page brief concerning LDTs and VALID. For additional information, please contact [email protected].
APC Statement Endorsing the Uniform Timeline for Fellowship Recruitment The Association of Pathology Chairs (APC) strongly endorses the national movement to a uniform timeline for fellowship recruitment as described in the recent article by Herrmann et al in Academic Pathology. In a recent announcement by APC President, Lydia Pleotis Howell, MD, several key points were made on the importance and responsibility of APC membership supporting a uniform recruitment process to protect pathology residents. The APC Council endorses plans brought forward by the APC Graduate Medical Education (GME) Committee to establish guidelines to assist with this new uniform timeline that will take effect in a phased manner beginning July 2023. More information and updates can be found on APC’s NEW Fellowship Application Resources webpage:
2022 Advocacy Priorities In cooperation with APC’s Advocacy Committee, which consists of representatives from the Graduate Medical Education, Practice & Management, Research, and Undergraduate Medical Education Committees, APC Council issued their 2022 Advocacy Priorities
To learn more about APC’s advocacy efforts and collaborations to address the most pressing needs of academic pathology, visit our website at:
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